Wordpress Wordpress Issue Fix

How to change or reset your WordPress admin password.

There are 3 different ways to login into the WordPress website admin without knowing the old WordPress details. In this post, we have separated each type into scenarios.

Knowing the user name or email of the previous admin

If you know the old admin user name or email of the website and also the website forgot password functionality then the process will be much easier. Just give lost the password so that it will show a form in which you need to fill in the username or email so that you will receive an email from your WordPress website which contains a password reset page link once you click on that it will take you to the change password page in that you need to add the new password and then confirm the new password entered. That’s all then you can log in and play around the dashboard.

Having access to the database alone

Login into MySQL using PHPMyAdmin or admirer or any other tools to access the database. Please note the database name and the table prefix from the wp-config.php go to wp_user ‘s table and find the username whose password needs to be changed and convert the password string into md5 (MD5 convertor link) and then needs to place that into the database password column.

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